My first Flatiron Mod
So I never thought I’d see myself here, back in school after 12 years of trying to find my career in life. Here I am, making the most of every day, as 15 weeks is a very short time in my mind. I’ve always wanted to be an engineer of some sort, I just couldn’t quite give it a title name, and in all fairness, I’ve always enjoyed any kind of engineering. Taking things apart to see how they work has always been a passion of mine, and to take it a step further, making things work or run better than they did before. In a way this keeps me entertained in life, keeps me intrigued for day to the next. This works, because I know in the back of my head, that it will always be this way. Something will always need fixing or a better concept for the future. Even if all the electronics in the world went obsolete tomorrow, people like me would be out there trying to reinvent the wheel. Insert Flatiron, It’s only been a few weeks but I’ve learned so much more than I was anticipating. I’m definitely looking forward to getting the most of out this education, to push myself to have the best advantage I can achieve. That way when it comes time to making something to help people or making something better, I can give my best. Flatiron has been such an amazing community. Looking forward to the future.