Losing your DATA!!!

Life just isn't the same, we’ve become so technical in our daily lives. I remember growing up, paper notebook ledger was vital for work. I recall transactions still being invoiced on paper and paid with cash, or the credit card image transfer machine, where the card was transplanted onto an onion skin paper. Nowadays everything is digital, almost everything. In my case, my pictures, notes, music, calendars, contacts, and even credit cards, all exist in a digital form of their own sorts. Well this month, I have had this misfortune of losing all my notes that I've compiled over a time span of nine 9 years. I tried everything to recover my notes off iTunes, and I admit I feel foolish keeping everything on Apple notes, at that moment. I've never experienced such a problem with Apple, we’ve always seen eye to eye. I had all the notes I've taken in my time at Flatiron school, passwords, login names, to-do lists, and a book I was working on, all in the same place. I lost it ALLLL. After hours on the phone with Apple, I was convinced, they were gone forever. I was so upset, I sought out a different note app, immediately after. Unfortunately, there is no bright side or savior data recovery, but we have a wonderful lesson. I urge you, Please backup your hard work. The work we do on our computers, is just as important, if not more, than the old school pen and paper. It deserves the same amount of attention, and it only takes a minute to save your data twice. Please don’t be me…….