AWS Database Services, How can it help your company?

Amazon Web Service is talked about a lot, and with all the services they offer it can be a bit overwhelming to keep track of all the have to offer. I’d like to do a series of blogs, kind of outlining what AWS has to offer. In this letter, we will start with Amazon’s database service, Relational Database Service (RDS). RDS makes it easy to launch databases within the AWS Cloud and scale them when required. The RDS service can launch from databases such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Amazons own Aurora, and server-less service is DynamoDb. So let us take a look at what Amazon has to offer.
- With DynamoDb, Amazons server-less server, you don’t have to worry about the underlying structure, Amazon takes care of that for you, with high-speed low latency connection.
- Amazons Redshift is a fully managed Petabyte scale data warehouse, that is based upon PostgreSQL engine. This is amazing for companies with massive data consumption.
- Amazon ElasticCache is a memory cache stored in the cloud. It allows you to retrieve information extremely fast by keeping on hand in the local cloud storage, instead of disk-based memory.
- Database Migration Services or DMS is the best tool you rarely use. It does all the heavy lifting by transferring data from different storage levels to the appropriate level for speed efficiency. Not only that DMS can transfer data from one database type to another. For example, if you wanted to move your companies Oracle database type to Amazons Aurora, this is super simple, Wow right!
- Amazon Neptune is a fast fully manageable graph database engine. It has capacity for billions of relationship calculations, that queries these for statistical use, boasting millisecond latency.
Now take a look at how this might work for you and your companies needs. Let’s take for example your company has an onsite Oracle database, that you would like to transfer to the AWS cloud service Aurora. You can start by launching an RDS Aurora DB instance, in your own virtual private cloud, which is very secure as the name suggests. In the background you will be transferring your companies data through the Database Migration Service (DMS), targeting the RDS. Now let’s say your new RDS database is becoming overwhelmed with requests for information, ElasticCache can implement a node in front of these instances and allows for quick local cloud storage and access. This will take the load off of your actual RDS instance, and anything that is not being accessed through ElasticCache will be filtered back into Aurora.
This is just one example of what Amazon Cloud Services can do for you, and this is strictly on the database side. There are a handful of options, routes, and mixes and matches, for all database sizes and income levels. It’s a wonderful feeling to not have to purchase thousands of dollars on your companies onsite database, and the speed alone is amazing. Some users might cringe at the fact of keeping their data on say an offshore account, or in a bunker underground, where they don’t even know the location, but in all reality, it’s not like you can virtually hold the information, to begin with. Furthermore, there are compiled back up options, and not to mention the use of your Virtual Private Cloud. Even if you already spent a small fortune setting up your onsite database, you can look to Amazons Cloud Services in the future to scale your growth or decline in a manageable and affordable state, without being landlocked in the end. Thank you for reading, next week I will touch on networking services through Amazon and how it can help your company.